
We ship to the UK as well as overseas destinations. We will provide a shipping fee estimate on receipt of your request for quote. Shipping fee is calculated on the basis of the weight and volume of your order.

Normally, your order will be shipped as one consignment but on some ocassions, we may deliver your order in several consignments. You will be informed of the changes to delivery schedule as soon as we are made of any delays by our suppliers.

Your consignment will be shipped by a carrier who offers a fully tracked service. Signatures are required at the time of delivery.

Payment Terms

Once we receive your confirmation of our qoute, we will email a proforma invoice to you. Payment is required as confirmation of your order. We prefer bank transfer as the method of payment.

Registered Office: 36 St. Thomas Street, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 9NE, United Kingdom
Copyright © 2008-2024 Grehom Limited | Registered in England | Registration Number: 5934857 | UK VAT Number: 898871339